SAGES Kindergarteners revamp the music wall!
Our Kindergarteners really showed us that "Little Kids Can Do Big Things!" This year, our "Kinders" noticed that our music wall had not withstood the use that it had gotten over the past few years. They made it their personal mission to revamp our music wall, and create a space called "Tune Town." They brainstormed, designed, researched, collected donations and got to work with the help of some beloved volunteers. The end result is magnificent, but not complete yet! Over the summer, it is our hope to work with some local donors to place some permanent musical structures throughout the SAGES Living School yard! Our Kindergarteners have xylophones, bells and drums on their wish list, and we hope to make their dreams a reality! If you want to hear more about these exciting developments, or wish to donate toward our Tune Town project, please give Principal Megan Hanni a call at 920-345-9341.