Doug Disch
K-12 Activities Director
920-324-5591 ext. 2838
Click on the link below to visit the new Waupun Athletics website
East Central Conference-rSchoolToday
For more information about our Athletic Programs. Please contact our Activities Director.

Doug Disch
Use the link below to register your son/daughter for athletics.
You will need the Student ID #, which can be found on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
WASD Athletics Waiver and Release - COVID and General Sports Injuries

Click the link below to view the Waupun Warrior Athletics YouTube page.
The Waupun Area Jr./Sr. High School boasts a variety of sports for your child. We are proud to offer the most sporting opportunities for a school our size. Our goal is to get students involved and get active.
Head Coach: | |
Co-ed Cross Country-click here for more information | Bailey Bille |
Football | Adrian Harmsen |
Volleyball | Chris Harmsen |
Boys Soccer-click here for more information | Jason Buchholz |
Girls Tennis | Burt Wiersema |
Warriorettes Dance Team | JoHanna Rens |
MS Girls Basketball | Tim Aalsma and Ashlie Hoeft |
MS Cross Country | Nicole Crescio |
Head Coach: | |
Boys Basketball | Alex Dunlap |
Girls Basketball | Tim Aalsma |
Gymnastics- click here for more information | Emily Engelhardt |
Boys Hockey | Nicholas Tank |
Girls Hockey-Warbirds | TBD |
Wrestling | Brady Huenink |
Warriorettes Dance Team | JoHanna Rens |
MS Boys Basketball | Clay Daane and Brian Benson |
MS Wrestling | Josh Thone |
Head Coach: | |
Co-ed Track & Field | Adrian Harmsen |
Boys Tennis | Casey TerBeest |
Girls Soccer | Joshua Fitch |
Baseball | Travis Hull |
Softball-click here for more information | Joshua Navis |
Golf | Robert Mengert |
MS Volleyball | Chris Harmsen |
MS Track & Field | Becky Smith |