Our Vision: Accessible Recess Equipment for ALL!

Our Story:
MVP Access for Recess is an active group of staff members at Meadow View Primary School that started in 2019. We meet monthly to find ways to raise funds so we can provide a playground that is inclusive, fun and safe for children of all abilities for our students and other children from our community.
Our hope is that this will be a place where our students can grow together...as they play side by side…interacting, problem solving and just having fun! As children play together, they can focus more on their similarities rather than their differences. This inclusive playground will have equipment that will allow children of all abilities to use it at recess.
The playground we have now has small stones and no graduated ramps, and it’s not conducive to children with wheelchairs or walkers, as they would get stuck in the stones. An accessible playground will provide smooth transitions on and off the equipment, soft turf to help absorb falls and to aid in mobility, and wider movement routes for those with mobility challenges.
There will also be components of the playground that provide areas for sensory stimulation such as sensory panels, climbing walls, and spinning, swinging and sliding areas. As important as the physical accommodations and specialized equipment with this type of playground are, we feel it has another very important mission - and that’s UNITY. These playgrounds prove the importance of inclusion in everyday activities, no matter the ability level.
When all children are playing together it nurtures compassion, tolerance and diversity from a very young age. They learn that they are interested in many of the same things and have a really fun time playing together. As we nurture these qualities in young children, it will also benefit them as they grow into teenagers and then adults.
While they continue to form friendships with others, they will already have the groundwork laid to help them see that all people can brainstorm, work together, and solve problems in many situations, no matter what abilities they have. So if inclusive playgrounds are proven to bring children together, it only makes sense that our children should enter school for the first time and play on a playground that promotes this as they play.
We have an opportunity to change the perception of how a difference in abilities is viewed AND accommodated for. We ALSO have the opportunity to raise our children to accept everyone as they were created, each one special and unique.
Hopefully, in the long run, supporting this inclusiveness will have a positive impact on our community and the relationships our students form with others as they grow into adults.
How Can You Help?
MVP Access for Recess is actively seeking donations of any kind. Here are some ways you can help make a positive impact on our fundraising journey:
Participate in one of our MVP Access for Recess fundraisers
Candy bar sale - currently going on!
Monetary donations (mailed to: Meadow View Primary - 506 Beaver Dam St. Waupun, WI 53963) (Cash or checks made out to MVP Access for Recess)
Company donations and pledges
Donate items/baskets to a future MVP Access for Recess basket raffle
Visit our GoFundMe page and donate if you can!

Our Goal:
Our goal is to have this project fully funded and ready for build by fall of 2023!
The current estimated project total is around $200,000 with recent price increases due to inflation.
Current Status:
The committee has raised an impressive $57,405.87 with fundraising and in-kind donations!!
We also have pledges from Saputo Cheese for $25,000 and the Beaver Dam Community Hospital Foundation for $5,000.
*Thank you to the following donors for your generosity: Monica Gagnon, Saputo Cheese, Beaver Dam Community Hospitals Foundation, Country Roads ATV/UTV Club Donation, Walmart, Culver's, Judith Stiteley, Andy and Cindy Steinhauer, Gysbers Jewelry, Olson Eyewear, SIA Insurance, Waupun Truck-n-Show, Memory of Joann Goodlaxson, Garden Scents Everlasting, Waupun Utilities, Waupun Lions Club, Mueller Family Lemonade Stand, Garrett Moeller, Patrykus Family, Alliant Energy, Alto All-Stars 4H, Brittain House (BINGO), Horicon Bank, Alliant Energy, Mark & Laurie Diederichs, Dakota Farley, Ellene Wellendal, Elaine Jensen, The Birttain House, Chic Tique, Revive Hair Artistry & Nail Bar, Summit Automotive, Alto Allstars 4-H Club, FFA, Davey Vande Zande/Tractor Show, and our many staff members, students, parents, and community members that have donated or supported our numerous fundraisers thus far!

Grants and City Funding
The MVP Access for Recess committee has applied for many grants, and will continue to apply for more as they become available again.
If you or your business are aware of any grant opportunities that you think may be helpful, please email them to sfulcer@waupun.k12.wi.us.
On January 9, 2023, members of the MVP Access for Recess committee and MVP staff members attended the School Board Working Meeting to discuss fundraising efforts, progress, project details, financials, and possible future opportunities for reaching the committee's goal in order to start the playground build.

On April 24th, the MVP Staff worked at McDonalds in efforts to fundraise for Access for Recess at an event called McTeacher's Night! 20% of all inside and drive thru orders went back to this great cause! The line was long and the inside was packed - now that's Warrior Pride!!