Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)
WASD has been an AVID schoolwide school since 2020-2021 school year. Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID) fosters a safe and open culture, ensures high expectations for teachers and students, and expects collaboration in all classrooms. W.I.C.O.R (writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading) is expected in all classrooms at the JSHS. AVID aligns with our school goal of rigor and we continue to spread these strategies across the school building for the benefit of all students. We believe that all students need access to rigorous academic preparedness, opportunity knowledge and student agency. We expect all educators to insist on rigor, break down barriers, align the work, and advocate for all students. We embrace collective educator agency, which means educators taking intentional actions based on shared beliefs and trust that, together, they can increase opportunity and measurable success for all students and each other.
Please see for more information about the support as a whole. You may also contact the Site Coordinators at Waupun Area Junior/Senior High School.
Site Coordinators:
Julie Schmidt, JSHS Principal
Sarah Adumat, JSHS Assistant Principal
Kevin Santry, JSHS Assistant Principal
District Director:
Tara Jaeger, Director of Teaching and Learning