Megan Moeller
Director of Student Services
Education Service Center
(920) 324-9341 ext. 2212

Megan Wienke
Student Services Administrative Assistant
Education Service Center
(920) 324-9341 ext.2100
The Waupun Area School District offers parents/guardians to complete the Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) online. This screening tool provides parents, educators, and healthcare professionals with accurate, reliable information about a child's developmental and social-emotional development. A snapshot is created that can catch delays and celebrate milestones met.
This screener is available to all families who meet the following criteria:
Reside in the Waupun Area School District Boundary
Have a child who is 3 or 4 years old or nearing the age of 3
The child is not enrolled in WASD Early Childhood Special Education Program
The child is not enrolled in WASD 4-year old kindergarten (4K)
If you meet the criteria above, email Becky Navis at bnavis@waupun.k12.wi.us to request the ASQ.
Once you complete the ASQ, a member of the school team will contact parents/guardians to discuss the results.
Link for Screener Flyer
Link for Child Development Days Flyer
Link for Child Find Notice