Megan Moeller
Director of Student Services
Education Service Center
(920) 324-9341 ext. 2212

Megan Wienke
Student Services Administrative Assistant
Education Service Center
(920) 324-9341 ext.2100
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) and Wisconsin Statewide Parent-Educator Initiative (WSPEI) websites offer many on-line, user-friendly resources which families, educators and community members find helpful.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Website – DPI’s Special Education team is part of the Division for Learning Support, which also includes Student Services, Prevention & Wellness; Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing; and Wisconsin Center for the Blind & Visually Impaired. Their mission is focused on “improving outcomes of children with disabilities in Wisconsin. DPI will focus its work on activities related to the indicators in the SPP to improve outcomes for children with disabilities.” Website offers a great deal of information including (but not limited to) the following:
List of Indicators – The State Performance Plan (SPP) represents the Department of Public Instruction's (DPI) plan for improving outcomes of children with disabilities in Wisconsin. DPI will focus its work on activities related to the indicators in the SPP to improve outcomes for children with disabilities.
Agencies or organizations which offer information about special education, disabilities, health care, parenting, and other assistance on these websites. Click on the underlined names to go to each website.
Wisconsin Statewide Parent-Educator Initiative (WSPEI) Website – WSPEI is a service for families, educators, and others interested in parent-educator partnerships children with disabilities; website offers a listing of information and current events including, but not limited to the following. (Available in many other languages by changing selection in upper right corner of website).
How to find out who the parent coordinator is in our school district or CESA (Waupun is CESA 6)
Resources available to families or teachers
Communication options for families (options available if you have questions or disagree with a decision of the school)
Online videos and podcasts
Learning Opportunities for families or educators or can be found at https://wspei.org/learning-opp/
IEP information, including Eligibility Guidelines for Special Education