Steve Hill
District Administrator
Education Service Center
920.324.9341. Ext. 2102

Trisha Visser
Asst. to the D. A. & Board of Education
Education Service Center
920.324.9341. Ext. 2103
Welcome to the Waupun Area School District where our goal is to foster an educational environment in which student achievement is at the forefront. High expectations and a focus on professional learning among our staff ensures high levels of learning for all students.
Our educators are guided by a collective commitment of what each staff member must do to create a results-oriented culture where all students succeed. Teachers work together to clarify what each student must learn, monitor each student's learning on a consistent basis, provide interventions that ensure students receive additional time and support for learning when they struggle, and extend and enrich learning for students who master the material.
Learning is everyone's business in a school organization! Preparing students for college and career readiness begins the first day of kindergarten. Therefore, we encourage business partnerships, volunteerism, and open communication among our stakeholders.