Trisha Visser
Human Resources Assistant
Education Service Center
(920) 324-9341, Ext. 2103
All facilities requests must be done through the Facilities Scheduler website. Any events not approved by the website admins will not take place, and groups may be removed from the building. The District reserves the right to approve, deny, change or cancel events at any time. Event approvals are based on many factors, such as staff availability, safety, and more.
ALL facilities requests MUST have the following details listed:
1. Event details (date, time, and location)
2. Set-Up Notes
*If a group requires any additional set-up, equipment, etc., those things MUST be listed in the set-up notes. If they are not, the custodians may not be able to fulfill the group's request in a timely manner.
Once you have created an account, use the link below to access the system.
Please click here to log in with your credentials.
Please click HERE to view the Facility Fee Schedule.